The First Digital Twin Refinery and Petrochemicals Complex Project in the world

The First Digital Twin Refinery and Petrochemicals Complex Project in the world

No | Type of License | Issued by | No, Referensi | Date |
1 | Deed of incorporation of a limited liability company PTIndo Esa Energi - Establishment | Notaris Boby Sofyan, S.H., M.Kn. | Nomor 03 | 8-Nov-22 |
2 | Deed of incorporation of a limited liability company PT Indo Esa Energi * Amendment | Notaris BobySofyan, S.H.f M.Kn. | Nomor 4 | 20 Maret 2023 |
3 | Certificate of company registration | Government of the Repub lic of Indonesia Through the OSS System | NIB.2703230079113 | 27 Maret 2023 |
4 | Government of the Republic of Indonesia | Business Identification Number (NIB) - PT Indo Esa Energi Through the OSS System | NIB.2703230079113 | 27 Maret 2023 |
5 | Business License KBLI Code: 20121,20127, 20122, 20124, 20129, 19291,20123, 19211, 35111 | Government of the Republic of Indonesia Through the OSS System | NIB-2703230079113 | 27 Maret 2023 |
6 | Domicile of Business Jalan Cipinang Muara 1 No. 21, Kel. Pondok Bambu, Kec. Duren Sa wit, Kota Adm. Jakarta Timur, Provinsi OKI Jakarta | Government of the Republic of Indonesia Through the OSS System | NIB.2703230079113 | 27 Maret 2023 |
7 | Tax Identification Number (NPWP) | Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia Directorate General of Taxation | NPWP : 61.784.283-6-008-000 | Tahun 2023 |
8 | Angka Pengen al Impor / Import Recognition Number | Directorate General of Custom | Will be Issued when 1 EE import equipment | |
9 | Planned Cooperation for the Development and Feedstock Supply Program for to 300.000bpd | Nigerian National Petrolium Corp National Iran Oil Company | To be nominated after IEE acquired by new Investor. NOC from Yaman, Iran, Russia, They need LOI | |
10 | Planned Cooperation for the Off take and trading of all refined products | Local market will absorbs, due to shortage of supply - Free Entry Market | ||
11 | Spatial planning (RTRW) Kabupaten Banyuwangi 2012 - 2032 Kecamatan Wongsoredjo | Local Regulation (focal Government and Legislative) | No: 08 | Tahun 2012 |
12 | RT/RW 2011 - 2031 Wongsorejo Regen cy as Ind ustrial Estate | Regent of Banyuwangi | Nomor: 510/74S/429.207/2012 | 13 Desember 2012 |
13 | Location Permit Coordinate Point: -8.095500, 114.4050000 | Government of the Republic of Indonesia Through the OSS System | NIB: 8120110092361 | 26 Oktober 2018 |
14 | License of Capital Investment Principle - Tota l area 480 ha | Local Government - Banyuwangi | no.2/3510/IP/PMDN/2014 | 21 Februari 2014 |
15 | Amendment of License of Capital Investment-Total are 1200 ha | Local Government - Banyuwangi | no.1/3510/IP-PB/PMDN/2014 | 30 Oktober 2014 |
16 | Specrficial Economic Zone (SEZ) | Investment Ministry | Will be arranged by new IEE Management | |
17 | Investment License | Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board / Investment Ministry | Willi be issued, need name of Investor, number of Investment, number of capital. | |
18 | National strategic Project (PSN) | Economic Coordinating Ministry/ Komite Percepatan Penyediaan Infrastruktur Rrtoritas (KPPIP) | Will be issued, need name of Investor, number of Investment, number of capital |