
No Type of License  Issued by  No, Referensi   Date
1 Deed of incorporation of a limited liability company PTIndo Esa Energi - Establishment Notaris Boby Sofyan, S.H., M.Kn. Nomor 03  8-Nov-22
2 Deed of incorporation of a limited liability company PT Indo Esa Energi * Amendment Notaris BobySofyan, S.H.f M.Kn. Nomor 4  20 Maret 2023
3 Certificate  of  company registration Government of the Repub lic of Indonesia  Through the OSS System  NIB.2703230079113  27 Maret 2023
4 Government of the Republic of Indonesia  Business  Identification  Number (NIB) - PT Indo Esa Energi Through the OSS System  NIB.2703230079113  27 Maret 2023
5 Business License KBLI Code: 20121,20127, 20122, 20124, 20129, 19291,20123, 19211, 35111  Government of the Republic of Indonesia Through the OSS System  NIB-2703230079113  27 Maret 2023
6 Domicile of Business Jalan Cipinang Muara 1 No. 21, Kel. Pondok Bambu, Kec. Duren Sa wit, Kota Adm. Jakarta Timur, Provinsi OKI Jakarta  Government of the Republic of Indonesia Through the OSS System  NIB.2703230079113  27 Maret 2023
7 Tax Identification Number (NPWP)  Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia Directorate General of Taxation  NPWP : 61.784.283-6-008-000  Tahun 2023 
8 Angka Pengen al Impor / Import Recognition Number  Directorate General of Custom  Will be Issued when 1 EE import equipment 
9 Planned Cooperation for the Development and Feedstock Supply Program for to 300.000bpd  Nigerian National Petrolium Corp National Iran Oil Company  To be nominated after IEE acquired by new Investor. NOC from Yaman, Iran, Russia, They need LOI 
10 Planned Cooperation for the Off­ take and trading of all refined products  Local market will absorbs, due to shortage of supply - Free Entry Market 
11 Spatial planning (RTRW) Kabupaten Banyuwangi 2012 - 2032 Kecamatan Wongsoredjo  Local Regulation (focal Government and Legislative)  No: 08  Tahun 2012 
12 RT/RW 2011 - 2031 Wongsorejo Regen cy as Ind ustrial Estate  Regent of Banyuwangi  Nomor: 510/74S/429.207/2012  13 Desember 2012 
13 Location Permit Coordinate   Point: -8.095500, 114.4050000  Government of the Republic of Indonesia Through the OSS System  NIB: 8120110092361  26 Oktober 2018 
14 License of Capital Investment Principle - Tota l area 480 ha  Local Government - Banyuwangi  no.2/3510/IP/PMDN/2014  21 Februari 2014
15 Amendment of License of Capital Investment-Total are 1200 ha  Local Government - Banyuwangi  no.1/3510/IP-PB/PMDN/2014  30 Oktober 2014
16 Specrficial Economic Zone (SEZ)  Investment Ministry  Will be arranged by new IEE Management 
17 Investment License  Indonesia  Investment  Coordinating Board / Investment Ministry  Willi be issued, need name of Investor, number of Investment, number of capital. 
18 National strategic Project (PSN)  Economic  Coordinating Ministry/ Komite Percepatan Penyediaan Infrastruktur Rrtoritas (KPPIP) Will be issued, need name of Investor, number of  Investment, number of capital